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Formation sécurité sociale frontaliers luxembourg
19 November 2024 / 10h00 - 12h30

Cross-border worker: overview of social security in Luxembourg

Located at the heart of Europe, Luxembourg continues to attract a growing number of cross-border workers each year. This special status of cross-border workers in Luxembourg raises numerous questions regarding social security, especially since the normalization of teleworking.

At the outset, how do you determine which country—Luxembourg or the employee’s country of residence—will be responsible for covering social security-related costs and expenses? What formalities need to be completed with which organization(s) to ensure proper social coverage? What social benefits can a cross-border worker claim? Are they necessarily identical to those offered to Luxembourg residents?

These are some of the questions we will address during this training!

Novotel Luxembourg

35, rue du Laboratoire
Luxembourg, L-1911 Luxembourg